New Zealand HPI Implementation Guide
1.4.7 - Release

New Zealand HPI Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.4.7) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Create Practitioner

Create Practitioner


A Create Practitioner operation is initiated by a user who needs to add a new practitioner record to the HPI.


  • Prior to creating a new practitioner record an authorised user must complete a thorough search of the HPI to ensure the person does not already exist.
  • Duplicate HPI records will not be checked upfront, but will create a task for a potential duplicate to be resolved.
  • If the person is found in the HPI then an update operation is required. If not found then a create practitioner operation should be completed.
Create Practitioner sequence diagramIntegrating application userIntegrating application userIntegrating applicationIntegrating application<FHIR API> HPI<FHIR API> HPIHPI MDMHPI MDMUser enters PractitionerdetailsPOST<Endpoint>/PractitionerValidate[]Add request201 Created HTTP statuscode

Create Practitioner processing steps:

  1. The user initiates creating a new Practitioner in the integrating application
  2. The integrating application sends an HTTP POST request (a FHIR create) containing the Practitioner details E.g. Post<Endpoint>/Practitioner
  3. The request is validated - ALT: Validation failure. OperationOutcome resource returned
  4. A Practitioner record is created and a Practitioner ID issued (hpi-person-id)
  5. The HPI FHIR API confirms a Practitioner record has been created – HTTP 201 Created status code
  6. The integrating application indicates to the user the record has been successfully created
  7. The integrating application retains the hpi-person-id and version-id for future requests relating to this record

Create Practitioner Rules and errors

For Request rules and errors click here

  • Create Practitioner rules
    • A Create practitioner request must include:
      • name,
      • birth date,
      • gender
      • ethnicity
    • A request made by an RA must include a unique RA source person identifier that does not already exist in HPI within the same source as that submitted
    • A request cannot create an HPI record which is a duplicate of another Practitioner record
    • A request may include:
      • educational qualifications
      • languages (communication)
    • A request must not contain:
      • registration details (Practitioner.qualification). Registration details can only be added with an update request
      • deathdate. Deathdate can only be added with an update request
  • Create Practitioner errors
    • Name is required
    • Birth date is a required field
    • RA identifier is required
    • RA identifier is already assigned to an hpi-person-id
    • The practitioner identity information supplied may result in duplication of another identity. Please check the list of potential duplicates before resubmitting
    • Death date not valid with a create practitioner operation
    • Registration details not valid with a create practitioner operation

  • Create Practitioner birth date rules
    • Practitioner birthdate must be a complete date and formatted YYYY-MM-DD
    • Practitioner must be aged between 14 and 90
  • Create Practitioner birthdate errors
    • Birthdate not valid, must be a complete date and formatted YYYY-MM-DD
    • Practitioner birthdate cannot be a future date
    • Practitioner must be greater than 14, and les than 90 years old

  • Create Practitioner name rules
    • A person must have either a usual or an official name
    • A person can only have one official name
    • A person can only have one usual name
    • Name use is a mandatory field
    • A person cannot be added with a name use old
    • A name must have a given or a family at minimum
    • The first character of a name must be an Alpha (A-Z or a-z) or apostrophe
  • Create Practitioner name errors
    • A usual or an official name is required
    • Only one official or usual name is allowed
    • Name use old is not valid with a create practitioner operation
    • Name must contain either a Given name or a Family and a Name Use

  • Create Practitioner ethnicity rules
    • A set of ethnicity codes must contain at least 1 ethnicity, only one instance of each selected ethnicity, no more than one ‘unspecified’ ethnicity code and can contain up to 6 ethnicities
  • Create Practitioner ethnicity errors
    • A Practitioner must have at least one valid ethnicity code, only one instance of each selected ethnicity, and no more than one ‘unspecified’ ethnicity code

  • Create Practitioner educational qualification rules
    • An educational qualification request must not contain an id (this will be generated by the HPI and should be stored by the local system for later use)
    • An educational qualification request must include:
      • fullname,
      • year,
      • institution,
      • city,
      • country
  • Create Practitioner educational qualification errors
    • Educational qualification fullname is a required field
    • Educational qualification year is a required field
    • Educational qualification institution is a required field
    • Educational qualification city is a required field
    • Educational qualification country is a required field
    • Educational qualification year must be formatted YYYY

  • Create Practitioner language (communication) rules
    • A set of communication codes must contain at least 1 language, only one instance of each selected language, and can contain up to 10 languages