New Zealand HPI Implementation Guide
1.4.9 - Release

New Zealand HPI Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.4.9) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Practitioner Compliance Testing

HPI Practitioner GET

Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
HPI-P-Get-1 System can handle a response when a dormant hpi-person-id is requested 99ZZRT
System does not error
System returns appropriate messaging to user
HPI-P-Get-2 System can display the information required to confirm a health providers identity
Full name
hpi-person-id (CPN)
Registration type (RA Provider only)
System displays information required to confirm identity mandatory
HPI-P-Get-3 System can handle a response when practitioner has
only a surname;
only a given name;
Has both official and usual names
Do all
System does not error
System returns all name parts when present
Order of name parts is clear to the user
System should retain the name as a Family name when a practitioner has only a Given Name on the HPI
HPI-P-Get-4 System behaves appropriately when the requested practitioner has more than one registration Do all
95ZZEJ (dental/nursing)
98ZZNY (nursing/medical)
95ZZQE (medical sciences/nursing)
98ZZQJ (nursing/midwifery)
95ZZDR (nursing/psychology)
95ZZDE (optometry/nursing)
The appropriate registration is used or both registrations are presented mandatory if
HPI-P-Get-5 System behaves appropriately when the requested practitioner has more than one Scope of Practice Do all
System returns appropriate messaging to user mandatory if
HPI-P-Get-6 System behaves appropriately when the requested practitioner does not have a registration (qualification) 90ZZLC
System does not error
System returns appropriate messaging to user
mandatory if
HPI-P-Get-7 System behaves appropriately for all registration (qualification) statuses Do all
98ZZYU (Current)
98ZZYH (Inactive)
98ZZXQ (Removed)
98ZZXD (Suspended)
System returns appropriate messaging to user mandatory if
HPI-P-Get-8 System clearly distinguishes between educational qualifications and registration details 97ZZYP
System returns appropriate messaging to user mandatory if
HPI-P-Get-9 System clearly displays all condition’s of practice / additional authorisation’s to user TBC System returns appropriate messaging to user optional
HPI-P-Get-10 When a system is assessing a practitioners authority to practice that both the APC period and the registration status is used 90ZZSR
The user is informed the practitioners APC has expired mandatory if
HPI-P-Get-11 System behaves appropriately when confidentiality settings have been set for a practitioner 93ZZRW
System does not error
System returns appropriate messaging to user
For more information see [Confidentiality](/businessView.html#confidentiality) and [Redacted Practitioner details](/StructureDefinition-HPIPractitioner.html#redacted-practitioner-details)
mandatory if
HPI-P-Get-12 System behaves appropriately when practitioner record has a date of death 90ZZLP
System returns appropriate messaging to user mandatory
HPI-P-Query-1 System can query a practitioner using the registration identifier eg Medical Council number, Nursing Council number
Show a selection of RA's that apply
Medical Council
Medical Council #= 99478

Nursing Council
Nursing Council #= 961049

Medical Sciences Council
Medical Sciences Council #= 30-91697
System retrieves record successfully optional

HPI Practitioner Search

*NOTE: Access is restricted to Practitioner Search by name and date of birth – prior permission should be sort from the Integration teambefore developing this functionality into an application
Reference Purpose – Demonstrate that the Input values Expected outcome Mandatory
HPI-P-Search-1 Minimum search criteria are included Name = Walter O’Reilly
Name = Brian Hunnicutt
A name is provided in the request optional
HPI-P-Search-2 Other search criteria are included Name = Walter O’Reilly
Birthdate = 1943-05-24
Gender = male
Name = Brian Hunnicutt
Birthdate = 1939-02-06
Gender = male
Name, gender and birthdate can be provided in the request optional
HPI-P-Search-3 Search results are presented to user in order provided by the HPI
if not please provide a reason
Use search results from above Results presented in order provided mandatory