New Zealand HPI Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.4.9) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Practitioner resource use cases
An authorised user wants to lookup a practitioner’s details on the HPI
A new practitioner starts at an organization and their HPI identity details and practicing credentials are checked.
A practitioner is onboarded onto a healthcare application
A practitioner’s details have been updated on the HPI (Updated practicing certificate)
A user wants to validate a practitioner’s details that are on a referral
A pharmacist wants to validate if a prescriber is authorised to prescribe
Options available:
Steps involved hpi-person-id known
User supplies the hpi-person-id to be looked up
Integrating application looks up the HPI for the practitioner Get Practitioner
Integrating application presents HPI practitioner details to user
Steps involved ‘Other’ identifier is known
User supplies the registration type (e.g. Medical Council) and the 'other identifier' (e.g. Medical council number)
Integrating application looks up the HPI for the practitioner Search Practitioner
Integrating application presents HPI practitioner details to user
Steps involved if name and other search parameters known
User supplies the name and any additional search parameters
Integrating application searches the HPI for the practitioner Search Practitioner
HPI matches the search criteria against HPI records and returns a bundle of HPI practitioner records that meet the match threshold
Integrating application presents the bundle of HPI practitioner records that are returned
User can select the appropriate practitioner record to view
An authorised user wants to add a practitioner to the HPI
An RA wants to add a new health provider to the HPI
Health provider organisation wants to add a new employee to the HPI
Steps involved for an RA adding a new practitioner to the HPI:
The user searches the HPI for the health provider Search Practitioner
If a practitioner resource is found, then an update of that practitioner resource is required (Update method TBC)
If not found, the user provides the details to be added to the HPI:
Name, birthdate, gender and ethnicity (mandatory)
An RA must include an RA identifier
Language and educational qualification (optional)
Death date and registration details (Practitioner.qualification) provided subsequently with an update operation
The integrating application adds a practitioner to the HPI Add practitioner
The HPI confirms a successful Add and returns the hpi-person-id and a version-id to be stored by the local system for future use
If the user wants to provide registration details (qualification) or a death date, the integrating application does an update to the practitioner record created (Update method TBC)
Steps involved for a Health Provider adding a new employee (NR) record to the HPI:
Note: When adding an NR record to the HPI, best practice requires a PractitionerRole to be created for that record
The user searches the HPI for the employee Search Practitioner
If a practitioner resource is found, then an update of that practitioner resource is required (Update method TBC)
If not found, the user provides the employee details to be added to the HPI:
Name, birthdate, gender and ethnicity (mandatory)
Language and educational qualification (optional)
The integrating application adds a practitioner to the HPI Add practitioner
The HPI confirms a successful Add and returns the hpi-person-id and a version-id to be stored by the local system for future use
The user then supplies the details to Add a PratitionerRole record
An RA or health provider organisation wants to update a provider or employee’s details
An RA wants to add a registration (Practitioner.qualification) after a practitioner has been created, or update registration details (qualification)
The operations have been broken down into four custom updates:
Languages (Communication)
Educational qualifications
Registration details (Practitioner.qualification)
Steps involved for updating a practitioner record:
User selects from local record the person to be updated and enters the updated details
Integrating application finds the hpi-person-id and version-id from the local record
Integrating application provides the HPI with the details to be updated and calls the correct update operation (Update method TBC)
The HPI uses the hpi-person-id (and RA identifier RA record only) to update the correct record on the HPI
The HPI returns a new version-id to be saved locally
Organisation resource use cases
An authorised user wants to view an organizations details on the HPI
A user wants to find the hpi-organisation-id to record an identifier in the local system for an organisation
A user wants to find the contact details for an organisation
A user wants to know the facilities managed by an organisation
A user wants to know all the organisations of a particular type (e.g. Maori providers)
A user wants to find all the sub organisations that are part of an organisation
Three options available:
Steps involved if hpi-organization-id known:
The user supplies an hpi-organization-id for the organization to be looked up
The integrating application looks up the HPI organization resource Get organization
The integrating application displays the organization record with all HPI information for that organization
Steps involved if hpi-nzbn (New Zealand Business Number) known:
The user identifies the system (NZBN) and number
The integrating application searches the HPI organization resource Search organization .
The integrating application returns a bundle with a single record for the organisation
Steps involved if an organisation name or other search parameters are known:
The user supplies search parameters for the organisation e.g name click here for more search parameters
The integrating application searches the HPI organization resource Search organization
The HPI uses the search parameters and returns a bundle of HPI organization records that meet the search threshold
The integrating application presents the bundle of HPI organization records that are returned
The user can select the appropriate organization record to view
Facility (Location) resource use cases
An authorised user wants to view a facilities details on the HPI
User wants to find the hpi-facility-id to record an identifier in the local system for a facility
User wants to find the contact details, EDI, address etc. for a facility
User wants to search for all facilities by managing organisation
User wants to find all facilities of a particular type
User wants to know what facilities of a particular type are within a particular DHB
User wants to know what facilities of a particular type are nearby (Not yet implemented)
Steps involved if hpi-facility-id known:
The user supplies an hpi-facility-id for the facility to be looked up
The integrating application looks up the HPI location resource Get location
The integrating application displays the location record with all HPI information for the facility
Steps involved if other search parameters are known:
The user supplies search parameters for the facility e.g name, address click here for more search parameters
The integrating application searches the HPI location resource Search location
The HPI uses the search parameters and returns a bundle of HPI location records that meet the search threshold
The integrating application presents the bundle of HPI location records that are returned
The user can select the appropriate facility to view
Practitioner Role resource use cases
An authorised user wants to find a PractitionerRole record
A user wants to find the organisations or facilities that a person works for
A user wants to see if a person works for a particular organisation or facility
Steps involved to view a PractitionerRole record for a known hpi-practitionerole-id:
The user supplies the hpi-practitionerrole-id to be looked up
The integrating application does a read of the PractitionerRole records Get PractitionerRole
The integrating application returns and displays the PractitionerRole record associated with that identifier
Steps involved to retrieve all the PractitionerRole records for a Practitioner:
The user provides an hpi-person-id and any other search parameters
The Integrating application does a search of the PractitionerRole records associated with that Practitioner Search PractitionerRole
The Integrating application returns a bundle of PractitionerRole records
The user can select the appropriate PractitionerRole record to view
An authorised user wants to add a new PractitionerRole record
A person starts a new job
An existing employee changes their role
Steps involved:
The user provides:
The hpi-person-id and an hpi-facility-id and/or hpi-organisation-id
Optional: Contact point, the role code, period (start date and end if applicable)
The integrating application adds a PractitionerRole to the HPI Add PractitionerRole
The HPI confirms a successful add and returns the hpi-practitionerrole-id and a version-id to be stored by the local system for future use
An authorised user wants to update a PractitionerRole record
An authorised user wants to update an employee’s contact details or change the end date of a practitioner role record
Note: No other updates are currently allowed
Steps involved:
The user views a record and decides that an update is required
The user provides the updated contact point or end date
The system provides the hpi-practitionerrole-id and version-id
The integrating application updates the PractitionerRole Update PractitionerRole
The HPI returns the updated version-id to be saved locally
Multi-resource Use cases
Lookup EDI for an enrolled patient’s General Practice - using NHI FHIR API
This use case requires permission to access the NHI, NES enrollment's and HPI facility information.
Lookup EDI number for an enrolled Patient's General Practice sequence diagram Integrating application user Integrating application user Integrating application Integrating application <FHIR API> NHI <FHIR API> NHI <FHIR API> HPI <FHIR API> HPI NHI MDM NHI MDM HPI MDM HPI MDM Lookup EDI number the General Practice the Patient is enrolled with GET<Endpoint>/Patient/[nhi-id] Validate[] Request Return Patient resource (including Patients enrolled General Practitioner details) Use hpi-facility-id to get EDI Get<Endpoint>/Location/[hpi-facility-id] Validate[] Request Return Facility [Location resource] Extract the messaging address containing the EDI number for the General Practice Display EDI number to user
Steps involved:
The user initiates searching for an EDI number for a patient’s General Practitioner
The integrating application sends a read request for the Patient Resource using the nhi-id to the NHI FHIR API E.g. GET<Endpoint>/Patient/ZZZ0008
The requested is validated - ALT: Validation failure. OperationOutcome resource returned
The Patient resource (containing the Patients enrolled General Practice details) is returned from the HPI
The integrating application sends a read request for the Facility details (Location resource) using the hpi-facility-id to the HPI FHIR API E.g. GET<Endpoint>/Location/F99999B
The requested is validated - ALT: Validation failure. OperationOutcome resource returned
The Location resource is returned from the HPI
The integrating application extracts the messaging address containing the EDI number for the GP clinic
Lookup EDI for an enrolled patient’s General Practice - using NES SOAP
This use case requires permission to access the NHI, NES enrollment's and HPI facility information.
Lookup EDI number for an enrolled Patient's GP sequence diagram Integrating application user Integrating application user Integrating application Integrating application <Enrolment web service> (NES) <Enrolment web service> (NES) <FHIR API> HPI <FHIR API> HPI HPI MDM HPI MDM Lookup EDI number for GP Patient is enrolled with[] Get Enrolment for NHI [] Return enrolling [hpi-organisation-id], [hpi-facility-id], [hpi-person-id] Get<Endpoint>/Location/[hpi-facility-id] Validate[] Request Return Facility [Location resource] Extract the messaging address containing the EDI number for the GP clinic Display EDI number to user
Steps involved:
The user initiates searching for an EDI number for a patient’s General Practitioner
The integrating application calls the SOAP Enrolment service with the patient’s NHI number.
The SOAP Enrolment web service returns the enrolment for a patient containing the OrgID, FacID, and GP’s CPN.
The integrating application sends a read request for the Facility (location resource) using the FacID to the HPI FHIR API.
E.g. GET\F99999B
The requested is validated - ALT: Validation failure. OperationOutcome resource returned
The location resource is returned from the HPI.
The integrating application extracts the messaging address containing the EDI number